Kia ora, I am a student at St Francis of Assisi School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Friday, December 3, 2021
Mathematics, Marvallos, Maths
Fantastic Franciscan Charism
Hi Bloggers,I'm Francesca from St Francis Of Assisi School.Today in Week 7 Term 4 RE we have been learning about Franciscan Charism and what you know about him. The stuff I know about him is he is a Saint, He Really likes animals any type, He was a Very Nice Helpful Person to Poor people or just People and he was a really good upstander to people.At first we had to watch 2 videos from the old Franciscan Charism then we had to make sure we were including the words that were on the left hand side of the Create, That were Understand that our Charism is our Story. Know that the Charism of St Francis is living the Gospel Values. Be able to state four facts about St Francis and his life. Know that St Francis’s Feast Day is October 4th.Know our school song - Make me a Channel of Your Peace. Why this song?.For our Create we could do a Slideshow, Goggle Drawing, Or Something Digital on your Chromebook.Here is My Create.I hope you Like it.
And what would you chose?.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Rebal Reading
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi School.
Today in Week 6 Term 4 we have been learning about Poems with Micheal Rosen's. At the Start we had to talk about him and what he was the best at in his Poetry Videos, After that we also had to watch a video explain the words he was using and we also had to say what he was the best at and what are the 5 senses to help you out with your writing create. We also had to look at some docs with the things you should use in a poem.
For our create you could chose from watercolours, Pens, Pencils or digital. Just to let you know that Digital means on a device, Any way I first had a go at water colours but then I chose to do a Digital poster about chocolate cake. I was a hard start at first but then it got easier and easier near the end of my create task for this week.
Here is My Create I hope you like it.
Also do you like his Poems?
Wonder Writing!
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca From St Francis of Assisi School.
Today in Week 6 Term 4 we have been learning about Poems by Micheal Rosen's . At the start we had to watch a video of him doing Chocolate Cake and them we had to notice what he was including in his Chocolate Cake Poem and how he was making it funny to make people in his audience laugh and the people who are at home watching it to. Then after that we had to watch more video's and what he has include in the Chocolate Cake Poem.
For our Create we had to think about when was the last time we were in trouble and record it on a Screencastify, I have been in trouble most of the time about not leaving my cats alone when I have been asked to. My cat I annoy the most is called Eddie who I love to Infinity and never back cause infinity never ends okay anyway I have put my Poem on A google Doc and added a link with My Video about my Poem.
Here is My Create I hope you like it.
Also Do you have a Cat in your Family?
Friday, November 19, 2021
Stunning Science!!
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca from St Francis Of Assisi School.
Today in Week 5 Term 4 Science we have been looking at Egg Drop. At the start we had to chose out of Motion Light and Food my Group who were Georgia Hine and me, chose Egg Drop. As soon as we chose Egg Drop we had to search up stuff about our science Project, It was really hard at first trying to find Information about it but then we found it quite easy all together.
There were heaps of sites to look at like Sciencing, Science kids, Museum of Otago and Sky Diving. They had heaps of information for Our Science group idea, Like on them they told that Bubble wrap will make the egg not break and keep it together in one whole piece and also be a great start.
Here is My Create I hope you like it.
Also what is you Favourite Science Experiment.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Marvellous Maths!!
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi School.
Today in Week 5 Term 4 Maths we have been Learning about Angles and different types there are and how you measure them. Firstly we had to watch 2 video explaining angles and then we had to do worksheets with a Protractor, which is a thing you measure angles with, At the start it was hard but I did pretty well for my first go with angles and a Protractor and then I did pretty well afterwards.
For our create we got to chose from a Google Drawing or a Google Slide. If you chose on you have to include: What are the different types of Angles, Our Goal for Maths this week, A Protractor Image, And Angle Questions. I chose to do a Google Slide with all the things we had to put on it and I also added a Protractor Image to show you what they are and what they look like.
Here is my Create I hope you like it
Also what do you know about Angles.
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Super, Stunning Science!!!!
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi School.
Today in Week 4 Term 4 Reading and Writing we have been looking at SCIENCE and what you know and what you have to do to write a SCIENCE Experiment. I had to look at a few video and novels like novels and Science sits. They told you about what you could chose and we had to also look at how to write one which was quite hard because you had to make sure you were doing it in order and getting your writing spelt right and making sure you had the right words.
For our Reading and Writing Create we had to do a Digital Poster or a Digital Slide and a Google Doc. They were so good choices to chose from but I felt like doing a Digital Slide about gummy bears in water about what you need, What you need to do and all kinds of that stuff SCIENCE'ITS write about a Experiment. I hope you like my Create on a Digital Slide and I also hope you really like my favourite colourful backgrounds I did on the Slide.
Also what is your favourite SCIENCE Experiment!
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Wonderful Reading and Writing Create!!
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi School.
Today in Week 3 Term 4 We have been learning about Fireworks and what is inside of them, We had a whole lot of work to do before we had to do our Create, they were watch a 3 video 2 novels and 1 book and then click on a text box saying science that comes to another video explaining what it really means and what it is.
For are Create we had to make a poster with 7 things that are in your own words I firstly had to chose what to make it on there was Goggle Drawing, Goggle Slides, Goggle Jambord or a Screencastify. I chose a Goggle drawing to make it on. Here is my Create explaining fireworks and also what is your most favourite thing about fireworks.?
House of Bricks
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca from St Francis OF Assisi. Today we have Been doing the House of Bricks Reflection
My favourite Lego activity was the racing car because when my buddy and I we're making our car we listened to each other's ideas and when we tested it out we thought that we could make it longer because it will go further with a longer board. We also learnt that you should put more weight on the back and you could use some wings so the air will go through the wings and it works.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Rebal Reading Board Game
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca from St Francis Of Assisi School.
Today in Week 2 Term 4 we have been learning about Water Pollution, Air Pollution and Plastic. At First we had to watch 3 video's and 9 reading books/Novels, They told us all about all about Water Pollution, Air Pollution and Plastic. In one of them there was a man who once went fishing at the beach when he saw a sea animal covered in heaps and heaps of plastic that he couldn't breath.
Then after that we also had to watch another 3 more video's about Air Pollution and Water Pollution. For our Create we had to chose from a Board Game, Pick a Path, Poster, Poem, Story, Podcast, Comic and Create a new invention to get rid of Pollution, They were amazing awesome choices to chose from but of course I chose a Board game on a google drawing to show other people.
Here is my Create I hope you like it and what do you know about Pollution
Marvellous Maths
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca from St Francis Of Assisi School.
Today in Week 2 Term 4 we have been learning about Decimals, Round whole numbers and 10 more and 10 less. At the start we had to go through the 4 slides about what are goals were and what we had to do for this week before our share back with the other people in my workshop who have done there creates like me.
At the start we had to watch the videos then we had to go to our workshop then do are follow up when we got out of it. Then It said that you could chose from a Screencastify or a poster I chose Screencastify for all of my three creates not a poster because they take longer then the Screencastify's because you don't have to set everything up in order.
I chose Screencastify for my 3 creates they were a lot of fun Here they are I hope you like them what do you like about Maths.?
Friday, October 22, 2021
Ripping, Rebal Reading
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi School.
Today in Week 1 Term 4 Writing we have been learning about What's Energy. Our Goal for this Week is Listen to what's read to see if it makes sense and identify at least one important idea and justify why it is important.
At first we had to read a book called What's Energy. It has heaps of things that make Energy like windmills, Oil and Coal and Gas, they were very helpful for your create and make it easier than normal. Also we had to think of one important idea and explain why it is important.
Here is my Create I hope you like it and what do you know about Energy.
Cute, Cuddly, Cats
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi School.
Today in Week 1 Term 4 Writing we have been learning about Explanation Writing. Our Goal for this Week is Support Idea with detail, use complex sentences to create pace, flow and interest, support ideas with detail, write content relevant to the task.
At first we had to read three slides about Explanation Writing and then chose from How to be a good friend, How to look after a dog or cat, How to be a good team member, How to care for school environment They were awesome ideas to write about.
It was hard to chose but I do love cats so I chose How to look after a cat I have made it on a google doc. Here it is I hope you like it and what would you chose out of the four?.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Super Duper Static Image!!
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi School. Today In Week 10 Term 3 Thursday the 30 of September Writing we have been learning about Stereotyping and what it is and what it is turning into and how bad it is getting. Our goal for this week is Use visual language features to engage the audience.
Firstly we had to make a copy of a doc about Stereotyping with all these different questions to answer between a boy and a girl. Then we had to watch a video about how a girl who did ballet hammed her shoes to the skateboard so then she can still skateboard and then there is another girl who made a little holder for her teddy to ride with her on her bike.
Here is my Stereotype Image about a boy shopping and a girl playing Football. I really hope you like it Bye.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Rebal Reading Create
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi School. Today in Week 10 Term 3 Wednesday the 29 of September Reading we have been learning about Friendships. Our Goal for this week is Make predictions about the text, look for clues to confirm predictions & make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions, ask higher level questions about the text, such as 'why' and 'how'.
Firstly we had to read a article called Best mates which is about two boys called Mana and Jackson who are best mates ever since the started school. But the Jackson parents say that "Your mum has found a new Job in Auckland so where moving there" Jackson doesn't what to go away to Auckland he wants to stay here with Mana his best mate.
When Mana comes home he is upset because his really good friendly best mate has to go and then they won't be able to have sleepover and playdates together because one is in Auckland and one his stay in town. But then Jackson says he will still write to him even he is not there for him but at the end everything is alright and they are happy the way they are.
Next We had to make a board game on paper or technology about friendships I chose to do it on technology and here is the link to it and what do you like doing with your friends? and it also comes with a dice I hope you like it bye.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Rebal Reading Create
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca from St Francis of Assisi school. Today in Week 9 Term 3 Reading we have been learning about Make predictions about the text. Our goal for this week is Make predictions about the text, look for clues to confirm predictions & make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions also we are learning about friendships.
For our create we had to chose from a board game, poster and heaps of other things. I chose to do a board game on a google drawing explaining friendships at what is a friend and what is not one.
Here is my create I hope you like it also it has a link to a dice.
Marvellous Maths Create!
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca from St Francis of Assisi school. Today in Week 9 Term 3 Maths we have been learning about fractions. Our Goal for this week is ,Use multiplication and division strategies to find fractions of whole numbers We firstly had to watch 6 videos then we had to look at number knowledge which is recall all Multiplication facts.
For our create we had to chose four question to record on a screencastify I chose really hard ones which are 6/8 of 72, 2/9 of 126, 3/9 of 135, and 3/6 of 96. What you have to do is you divided the bottom number with the question then times the top number of the answer of the question the the answer of the times is the full answer for the equation.
Here is my create I hope you like it and what is 3/9 of 108= Bye.!!!!
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Ridiculous, Reading Create
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca from St Francis Of Assisi school. Today in Week 8 Term 3 Reading we have been learning about hobbies for happiness with a create you chose from a google drawing then made it into it so then someone can look at it.
Our goal is for this week is use prior knowledge to connect to the text, make connections between texts and real life experiences, make connections between texts, make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions.
When you make a create you have to make sure it is anyone with the link can view so the they can have a look at your amazing work you have done, You should always check with a teacher before blogging it, and don't forget to have fun doing it.
Here is my reading create poems about Rollerskating and please tell me if you like it also what are your hobbies bye.
Wonderful, Writing Speech!!!!
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca from St Francis Of Assisi School. Today in Week 8 Term 3 Writing we have been learning about Persevering someone with a topic that you chose from a jam-board and then made it into a speech on a goggle doc so then someone can read it.
Our goal for this week is Vary sentence beginnings, structures and length. Write simple and compound sentences (by using conjunctions). Use some complex sentences.
Use simple and compound sentences with a variety of beginnings, lengths and structures. Use some complex sentences to create pace, flow and interest. Use linking words and phrases to link some paragraphs.
But when you want to persevere someone you have to be for or Against, What does for and Against mean? For means you totally agree with that persons speech or you totally don't agree with there speech.
Firstly how you make a speech is 1. You have to add a title at the top so then they know what you are talking about, 2. You need a rhetorical question that does not need them to answer, 3. You need 3 reasons to make it good 4. You need to have a summary at the end.
Here is my writing about you shouldn't be allowed sweets every day? and please tell me if you are for or against and what else do you know about Persevering someone and bye.
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Ridiculous, Reading Create!
Hi Bloggers
I'm Francesca From St Francis of Assisi School. This week in reading Term 3 Week 7 we have been learning about Hobbies for Happiness. Our goal for this week is: use prior knowledge to connect to the text, make connections between texts and real life experiences, make connections between texts, make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose question.
Firstly you had to watch 2 videos then read 1 article for kiwi kids news then you had to click on a google drawing that has different ideas you could do for your create here is it if you want to see it. It as so many choices to chose from, I chose to do a google drawing of things that make me happy when I am sad. Also what hobbies do you like that makes you happy? bye.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Ridiculous, Fun, Reading Create.
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi School. Today in Week 6 Term 3 we have been learning about Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset for reading this week. Our goal is Think while reading, pick up new information, and come up with new information. What is Growth Mindset you ask? Growth Mindset is when you say to yourself I can't do this yet, I won't give up, Mistakes are valuable, Challenges helps me grow, I can learn anything I want to, Effort and Attitude will help me grow, Determination will help me overcome my struggles, Constructive Criticism is helpful.
Now moving onto Fixed Mindset I give up, I can't do this, This is good enough, I messed up, I'm amazing at this, I already know this, I didn't work, this is to hard. Firstly before we did our create we had to watch and read 4 books of video to understand what were doing and what our goal means. For our create we had to chose from a google drawing with many examples to chose from. I chose to do a poem about growth mindset here is my create I hope you like it and if you have got any question comment down below and what else do you know about growth mindset bye.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Magnificent, Marvellous, Maths Create.
Hi Bloggers,
Today in Week 5 Term 3 Maths, we have been learning about fractions. The goal is for this week is Use Multiplication and Division Strategies to find fractions of whole numbers. What Does that mean you ask? it is when you use takeaway or Division to solve the maths question like 1/4 of 60= 14 so what you can do is 4x14=60, 14x4=60 and now 60➗4=14 60➗14=4 so the answer is 14. Here is another question to solve which is 1/5 of 80=16 It's like the same as the first question but it's not so now what you need to do is 5x16=80 16x5=80 and now 80➗5=16 80➗16=5 so the answer is 16. I hope I have explained it really well and if you have any questions to ask comment down below and what is 1/8 of 88= and here is my create bye.
Wonderful, Writing, Create.
Hi Bloggers,
I'm Francesca From St Francis of Assisi. Today in Week 5 Term 3 we have been learning about persuading people. What Does Persuade mean you ask? It is when you make someone get something that you want ,or you make people change their mindset about something like should schools ban Junk food or not. When you do something like that you have do be for our against.
What you have to do is 3 paragraphs 3 reasons a complex sentence, Rhetorical question Simple sentence and last statements and Exclamations. Also for writing we had to make a speech about Persuade here is my create and what else do you know about speeches? Bye
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Amazing, Fun, Reading Create.
I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi School.
Today in Week 5, Term 3 we have been learning about Grit and Perseverance, and what it is. Grit is when you say to yourself never give up, Keep on trying even though it's hard, You can do this, you never know what could happen and To be good at something you need to practice because practice makes perfect.
Now let's move onto perseverance and what is it. It is when you give stuff a go and even if you don't get any where you know that you did your best and you can work on it and you could be better next time. Also what else do you know about Grit and Perseverance? and if you have any Questions to ask comment down below and I will reply to you if you think I won't and here is my Create Bye.
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Amazing RE
I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi School. Today in Week 4, Term 3, we have been learning about the Assumption, when Mary went up to heaven. It's kind of like when Jesus went up to heaven but it's not the same. Every time we go over the Gospel reflection we have a choice board of things we can do, here it is if you want to have a look at it Link.
I chose to do a bookmark. When you do one you have to add the message of the gospel unpacked and make it colourful. Here is the message of the Assumption, God will give mercy to those who worship him. Here are my Bookmarks. What do you know about the Assumption?
Monday, August 9, 2021
Magnificent, Marvellous, Maori.
I'm Francesca from St Francis of Assisi School. .Today in week 3 Term 3 the 9 of August we have been learning Te Reo Māori. The goal is Continue to count to 100 in Te Reo also be able to ask what the day is, what the month is and How Many Objects there are.
At first they made a LCS Which stands for Learn Create Share. What we have been told to do is listen to these songs to help us with our learning then it says how you will say them to other people in Māori and then they will say the answer back to you.
Then for the the create is says to make a short comic about it and for the first slide you have to say how many objects their are then the next one you have to say how many people are there and last but not least what is the date today.
Here is my short comic about it and what else do you know about this blog Post? and if you have a question comment down below bye.
Friday, August 6, 2021
Magnificent, Marvellous Maori.
I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi school. Today in week 2 Term 3 we have been learning Te Reo Māori and how you can count to 30. It said that you had to do it in buddies and I chose to do it with Hine. First I had to help Hine Count to 30 in Maori then after we both knew how to count to 30 in Māori we went to the teacher saying that we had finished but she gave us a number is English and then we had to say it in Māori. Also do you know how to count in Māori to 30.
Here is my Screencastify in Māori bye
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Magnificent, Marvellous Maths
Happiness Recipe
I'm Francesca from St Francis of Assisi school. Today in week 1 term 3 we have been learning about happiness and who first discovered it.The teachers in my hub have made a literacy task board for my hub and It says that the task for this week is Happiness and what the literacy task board is a slide that your teachers make and the put a task for the weeks. Also the teachers made a slide on the happiness task board and we had to make a slide on it and make a happiness recipe instead on a normal recipe. I hope you will like my slide and if you have any questions about my blog comment down below Bye.
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Magnificent Margret Mahy
This term on the 20 of may the Tumu hub went into town for our PBL. We took the bus to Margaret Mahy but then we walked to Victoria Square with Miss Brown and we learnt that Captain James Cook was the first one to discover New Zealand , then Margaret Mahy with Miss Carney and she talked about the patterns around the cherry trees and what they are called.
The second to last activity was the mat’s and the Tuna with Miss Bryce she talked about how many babies can a Eel have and what age do they have them Then the last activity was the Waka and we learnt that the people who first came to New Zealand took the waka from their country to here.
My favourite part of the trip was Margaret Mahy because we got to sketch the patterns. As well as the writing on the concrete looked really neat and we got to play for 10 minutes .
Something I learnt was that after the 2010 and the 2011 earthquake the Margaret Mahy playground used to have a pool and the cherry trees were replanted from Margaret Mahy’s Garden.
The thing I found the most interesting was Victoria Square because we could see all the poppatterns and the status and the kai table and what it was built out of.
This trip has helped me with my PBL because now I know where I live and why Otautahi is a special place to live in for New Zealanders and other cultures.
Thanks for reading Bye
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Magnificent Matariki
I'm Francesca from St Francis of Assisi school. Today in week 9 term 2 we have been learning about Matariki. Matariki is the older sister that looks over her younger sisters and then there is eight more stars to discover which are Waipuna-ā-rangi, Tupu-ā-rangi, Tupu-ā-nuku, Ururangi, Hiwa-i-te-rangi, Waitā,Waitī,Pō hutukawa and I have done Tupu-ā-nuku as a create for this we had heaps of chocies like you could do it on your chrome book but I wanted to be creative and use my imagination making one. I hope I have made this easy for you to tell other people what are the stars of Matariki and here is my google drawing. What else do you know about Matariki And Bye.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Magnificent Blog Post
I'm Francesca from St Francis of Assisi school. Today in week 9 term 2 we have been learning about Theseus and the Minotaur. We have read the story but then we but it into our own story I have made a google doc retelling Theseus and the Minotaur. So what Theseus and the Minotaur is that there is a Minotaur who is half bull and half human but then comes along Theseus who is a brave tall and adventures man who wanted to kill the Minotaur and whatever happens Theseus will never give up killing him. Here is my Google Doc about Theseus and the Minotaur and what do you know about it.
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Magnificent Maths
I'm Francesca from St Francis of Assisi school. Today in week 8 term 2 we have been learning Place Value Partitioning for maths. Our goal is for this week is use a broad range strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers her is a question I know that I want to ask you 42x5=120 because 40x5=200 then 2x5=10 200+10=210 so that's the answer. I have made a google slide explaining the goal and some more questions and I hope I have made it easy to understand so you could teach people the goal easy peasey lemon squeezy and what is 25x5= and yeah bye.
Magnificent Maori
I'm Francesca from St Francis of Assisi school. Today in week 8 term 2 we have been learning Maori names for feelings Here are the ones I know Harikoa is happy Ora is strong Makariri is cold and Ngenge is tired. I have made a google site telling you about Maori names for emotions It is also a great thing to chose because It really tests you knowledge how to make it. Her is my site for you to have a look at and I hope this has been a really good understanding of Maori feelings and then It should make it easy to tell someone about it to. If you have got any questions about my blog post comment down below and Bye.
Friday, June 18, 2021
Magnificent Maths
I'm Francesca from St Francis of Assisi School. Today in Week 7 Term 2 we have been learning about Reversibility To solve subtraction problems with my maths teacher for this week. How you do Reversibility. How you do Reversibility is if there is a question like 34-18=16 what you do is you + 2 on the 18 which then makes the Question 20+14=34= so the answer is 34 then you + 2 on the 14 which is 16 so the full answer is 16. I hope I have made it easier to understand for you I have made a Google Drawing with some more Reversibility Questions for you to look at and yeah If you have any questions comment down below.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Magnificent Motor Slide
Friday, June 11, 2021
Fun Pick-A-Path
Kia Ora and Welcome to my blog post 2021.
Today in week 6 term 2 we have been learning about winter and daylight savings.
What I know is that day light savings months are May to October and the winter months are June, July and August. I have made a google slide that is a pick a path and when you will play it you will think it is so fun to play.
Here is my Pick a Path I hope you like it.
What else do you Know about daylight savings and winter comment down below.
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Magnificent Maths
Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog post 2021. Today in week 6 term 2 we have been learning Tidy numbers and Place value.
+1 -1
How you do Tidy numbers is you add one on the 49 then you minis 1 of the 67 which then makes the question 50 +66=116.
Then how you do place value is you don't add the 1 on 224 or minis 1 on 223 because that is tidy numbers not place value. Anyway let's get back to work on place values. Okay what you do is 200+200=400 then 20+20=40 and last 4+3=7 then you go like this 400+40+7=447.
I hope I have made it sound easy to you to understand and what do you know about tidy numbers and place value.
Here is my slide show I hope you like it.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Amazing Shapes
Amazing Goggle Drawing
Hello and welcome to my blog post 2021.
Today in week 5 term 2 we have been given a Maori Myth to complete.
It says to chose a story or a video and put it onto a goggle drawing explain the story and what it makes you think about.
I have made a goggle drawing about Rangi builds a boat.
Here is the link I hope you like it.!!
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Fantastic Fun Fractions
Hello and welcome back to my Blog Post 2021.
This week in Term 2, week 4 we have been learning about fractions and how you can work them out.
Here is a example.
2/8 of 48=12
so what you do is you divide the 48 with the eight , the bottom of the fraction (denominator)
Then the next you do is, take the answer of 6 and times it with the 2 from the top of the fraction
so the answer is 12 I hope I have made it nice and clear for you
Here is my slideshow with other fraction questions bye.
Monday, May 17, 2021
Amazing RE
Tēnā koutou katoa Welcome to my Blog Post.
Today in Week 3 Term 2 2021. We have been learning about the Ascension and what he said to his disciples and he said a message that we had to think what it meant.
The Ascension is when Jesus went back to heaven to see his Father after forty days after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
I have made a Google drawing about it and I hope you will like it and it will give you idea of the Message.
What do you Know about the Ascension and if you have any Ideas comment on my Blog.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Wonderful Writing
Hello today in Week 2 Term 2 2021 we have been learning about narratives.
A Narrative is a spoken or written connected with a story.
We had 6 choices of narratives story on PDF or story online videos Here is the 6 choices we have been given.
1.Narrative and Structure
2.Language Elements
4.The Problem
5.Understanding Characters
6.What is a Characters
Here is my Link I hope you like it.
What do you Know about Narratives.
Monday, May 10, 2021
Magnificent Margret Mahy
Hello and welcome back to my blog post 2021.
Today in Week 2 Term 2 We had a literacy task board about Margret Mahy and it said blog about what you have learnt about Margret Mahy or the last time you have been there. A literacy Task board is were your teachers put work on a slide and you have to go through it and complete all the tasks you have been told to do.
The last time I have been there was a Saturday Afternoon I loved the big shiny sliver slide, The Big blue spinner that can put heaps of people on it on it like about 20 people and the scary climbing green slide which is very fast when you go down.
What is your favourite thing at Margret Mahy.
Friday, May 7, 2021
Magnificent R.E Vine
Hello and Welcome back to my blog post 2021.
Today in Week 1 Term 2 We have been learning about how we can be like Jesus I made a google Drawing About It
I thought it was fun making a Goggle drawing about how we can be like Jesus because you can use any shape you like to make a Vine it's so much fun.
Here is my Goggle Drawing about Jesus I hope you like It .
Also this is my Question I'm going to ask you What is your to use.
Perfect Poppy Slide Comic
Hello and Welcome back to my blog post 2021.
Today in Week 1 Term 2 We have been learning about Anzac day and the Poppies and what they were used for I made a comic about poppies.
I thought it was fun making a comic about the poppies because you can use any shape you like to make people it's so much fun.
Here is my slide about Poppies I hope you like It .
Also this is my Question I'm going to ask you What is your favourite shape to use.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Magnificent Maths
Kiā Orā and Welcome back to my blog post 2021 today in Term 1 Week 10.
We have been learning about reversibility In maths this week.
Okay so this is how reversibility so here is a example
193-66=123 66+4=70
+30 +93
70 100 193
Here is My maths Create I hope you like it.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Holy Week 2021
Hello I'm Francesca and today I'm going to tell you about Holy Week. Holy week has Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday And Easter Sunday. You have Good Friday Off, Holy Saturday Off and Easter Sunday Off Here is my slideshow about it I hope you like it.
Friday, March 19, 2021
Wonderful Maths Create
Kiā Ora Koutoū and Welcome back to my blog post.
Today in Week 7 Term 1 for maths, we have been learning About Rounding and Compensating.
Rounding and Compensating is fun because you can really understand it when you get one right.
Here is my Maths Create 2021
What have you been learning about this week.
Terrific Te Reo Maori
Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog post today in week 7 Term 1 We have been learning about people in our family and explaining how you prounce them. Okay for Father it is Ko Wai To Matua and mother is Ko Wai To Whea and sister is Ko Wai To teinā.
Friday, March 5, 2021
Awesome Maths
KIA Ora Koutou and welcome back to my blog Post today in week 5 Term 1 We have been learning about place Value and tidy numbers here is a question about place value. 243+525=768 so first I would go 200+500=700 and then 40+20=60 last one 3+5=8 so then I would go 700+60+8=768.
So now for the tidy numbers 569+361=930 and then I would make the 569 to 570 and then minus 1 off 361 so then it will turn into 570+360= 500+300=800 70+60=130 0+0=0 800+130+0=930.
I hope you will like my maths Create.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Amazing Blog Post
Kiā Orā Koutou welcome back to my blog post today. In Week 5 Term 1 Reading and have talking About how to make a good blog post and how to be a great Commenter. For How to make a good blog post I said you should have a Catchy title so the readers wants to read it. Introduction So the reader Knows what your talking about, 2 or 4 sentences long so the reader will like it and comment something nice.
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Amazing Te Reo māori
Kia Ora ā
Welcome to My Awesome Te Reo māori blog post 2021. This week we have been learning about saying māori words to each other and making a conversation asking two Question's No hea koe and Ko wai to ingoa. Our Create was to make a slide show about māori words here is my Slideshow about it and our goal was to pronounced māori words.