
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Magnificent, Marvellous, Maths Create.

 Hi Bloggers,

Today in Week 5 Term 3 Maths, we have been learning about fractions.  The goal is for this week is Use Multiplication and Division Strategies to find fractions of whole numbers.  What Does that mean you ask? it is when you use takeaway or Division to solve the maths question like 1/4 of 60= 14 so what you can do is 4x14=60, 14x4=60 and now 60➗4=14 60➗14=4 so the answer is 14.  Here is another question to solve which is 1/5 of 80=16 It's like the same as the first question but it's not so now what you need to do is 5x16=80 16x5=80 and now 80➗5=16 80➗16=5 so the answer is 16.  I hope I have explained it really well and if you have any questions to ask comment down below and what is 1/8 of 88= and here is my create bye.

Wonderful, Writing, Create.

 Hi Bloggers,

I'm Francesca From St Francis of Assisi.  Today in Week 5 Term 3 we have been learning about persuading people.  What Does Persuade mean you ask? It is when you make someone get something that you want ,or you make people change their mindset about something like should schools ban Junk food or not.  When you do something like that you have do be for our against. 

What you have to do is 3 paragraphs 3 reasons a complex sentence, Rhetorical question Simple sentence and last statements and Exclamations. Also for writing we had to make a speech about Persuade here is my create and what else do you know about speeches? Bye


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Amazing, Fun, Reading Create.


I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi School.  

Today in Week 5, Term 3 we have been learning about Grit and Perseverance, and what it is. Grit is when you say to yourself never give up, Keep on trying even though it's hard, You can do this, you never know what could happen and To be good at something you need to practice because practice makes perfect. 

Now let's move onto perseverance and what is it. It is when you give stuff a go and even if you don't get any where you know that you did your best and you can work on it and you could be better next time. Also what else do you know about Grit and Perseverance? and if you have any Questions to ask comment down below and I will reply to you if you think I won't and here is my Create Bye.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Amazing RE


I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi School.  Today in Week 4, Term 3, we have been learning about the Assumption, when Mary went up to heaven. It's kind of like when Jesus went up to heaven but it's not the same.  Every time we go over the Gospel reflection we have a choice board of things we can do, here it is if you want to have a look at it Link

 I chose to do a bookmark.  When you do one you have to add the message of the gospel unpacked and make it colourful. Here is the message of the Assumption, God will give mercy to those who worship him. Here are my Bookmarks. What do you know about the Assumption?

Monday, August 9, 2021

Magnificent, Marvellous, Maori.


I'm Francesca from St Francis of Assisi School. .Today in week 3 Term 3 the 9 of August we have been learning Te Reo Māori. The goal is Continue to count to 100 in Te Reo also be able to ask what the day is,  what the month is and How Many Objects there are. 

At first they made a LCS Which stands for Learn Create Share.  What we have been told to do is listen to these songs  to help us with our learning then it says how you will say them to other people in Māori and then they will say the answer back to you.

Then for the the create is says to make a short comic about it and for the first slide you have to say how many objects their are then the next one you have to say how many people are there and last but not least what is the date today.

Here is my short comic about it and what else do you know about this blog Post?  and if you have a question comment down below bye.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Magnificent, Marvellous Maori.


I'm Francesca From St Francis Of Assisi school.  Today in week 2 Term 3 we have been learning Te Reo Māori and how you can count to 30.  It said that you had to do it in buddies and I chose to do it with Hine. First I had to help Hine Count to 30 in Maori then after we both knew how to count to 30 in Māori we went to the teacher saying that we had finished but she gave us a number is English and then we had to say it in Māori.  Also do you know how to count in Māori to 30.

Here is my Screencastify in Māori bye