Hi Bloggers,
Today in Week 5 Term 3 Maths, we have been learning about fractions. The goal is for this week is Use Multiplication and Division Strategies to find fractions of whole numbers. What Does that mean you ask? it is when you use takeaway or Division to solve the maths question like 1/4 of 60= 14 so what you can do is 4x14=60, 14x4=60 and now 60➗4=14 60➗14=4 so the answer is 14. Here is another question to solve which is 1/5 of 80=16 It's like the same as the first question but it's not so now what you need to do is 5x16=80 16x5=80 and now 80➗5=16 80➗16=5 so the answer is 16. I hope I have explained it really well and if you have any questions to ask comment down below and what is 1/8 of 88= and here is my create bye.